Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gumby-head Girl.

Well, I'm really either not doing much, or I'm doing too much that it's become monotonous and I find it boring. 
Either way, I'll tell you what I'm actually doing.
I'm Currently; 
- Finishing Level 1 in Sign Language. 
- Halfway through my Certificate III in Pathology. 
- Teaching kids to swim (getting my volunteer hours up to start getting paid for it). 
- Painting, but not offten. 
- Seeing Ryan as much as I can.
- Looking for new music. 
- Going to the Byron Bay Blues and Roots music Festival. 
- Wishing I can move out and live with Ryan soon.
- Listening to Muse. 
- Want to get my stupid bloody licence! GAR! 
- Saving up for a car & a holiday to Greece/ Germany because they are basically next door neighbours.

Thats all folks.

My Passport expired :(

Love you all and missing you because I'm lazy, sorry. 



sparklegreen said...

I am so glad you're still here! I love you!
We need to talk on skype sometime.

PPP said...

Ieeehh! I miss you too.

Whoa, sign language! I want to learn that so badly too, but I think it's bets if I do that after uni...


is said...

sign language? NO WAY!!! thats cool as! i miss u!

is said...

Elyse is coming to Germany! Elyse is coming to Germany! Elyse is coming to Germany! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Speaking of doing things, I sent your package to Zoe because I'm ridiculous and think Australia's this wee little country, and you guys live minutes away from one another..

So, she should be sending it to you soon =]

black vanilla rose said...

Love your pic!!haha I've got a couple of friends nicknames gumby and poky :] xxxx