Monday, July 13, 2009

Spacer information please...

I'm trying to make this spacer (stretcher) in my right ear work. I just really need to go up a size.

The one I'm wearing now keeps getting tangled in my hair and catches on my clothes because its a spiral. 
So, I'll go hunting for a better one. 

Does anyone else like the Decemberists? 

I'm hungry, lunch time.


P.s: Dont you just love the mirror effect! 


Anonymous said...

That last one really creeps me out..

I wouldn't have guessed you used the effect for the one above it though!

Gem said...

I'm stretching my ears at the moment too, using spirals because I find them more comfortable than tapers (tapers are the long straight ones that are thicker at one end than the other.)

but if the spirals irritate you, try tapers i guess?

what gauge are you aiming for?

beckyannnnnnn said...


Those pictures are greatt! I don't think I have the mirror effect with my webcam :c

Ingrid said...

hehe, funny :)