Sunday, October 26, 2008

Guess what?! EXAM TIME!

If only you could see me at this current moment. its 5:10 pm, and I'm still in my pajamas. 
 Well, realistically it's just my Modest Mouse Top, but it's oversized so i wear it to bed.

But! The point is... I'm so bloody lazy. I have my first year 12 exam on Friday. So thats 3 days away! But the thing is. I just don't care anymore. In fact, I have been filling up my days off with stencils and spray paint, as well as talking to Ryan, and watching Wanted
 I'm truly not as pathetic as I'm making out to be.
So I'm lacking motivation. Even though I need the study scores to get into a University so I can do my nursing and midwifery courses. 

The past few days have been a blur. And I have been more drunk now than I have been all year. Sadly that doesn't take much for me. Just one pint really. Then I got dressed up as 'miss massage' so they wouldn't kick me out for being in my school uniform. I was going to wear that costume for my final day at school, but decided I'll leave it for Ryan in the bedroom.. I got dressed up as a leprechaun instead.

Work has been average, I only get $10 an hour, I'm thinking of quitting. 
I'm also working illegally, so cash only, and I burn myself all the time.

(I really do need to get some pictures up, you would be able to understand me more visually that way)

Ok, I'm off.
Peace x


sparklegreen said...

OMG modest mouse is one of my favourite bands :) !!!!!!!!!!1

colinM. said...


sparklegreen said...

Colin, that's funny; you know what's even funnier? Right after I wrote my first comment for this post, I was going to go to your blog and tell you about this Elyse character who loves modest mouse, but at that exact moment I got distracted by CBC Radio 3(Woot!)

evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

yeah, modest mouse is kind of amazing.

(ps: sweet blog.)