Thursday, October 30, 2008

Elyse's Study guide & her day in general...

Hello all, 
 I don't know about you, but I can be pretty cautious about what I consume.
 Well most of the time... ok somethings when I'm consciously thinking about it.
So basically, if I keeps feasting whilst studying I shall become a fat porn star. 
This turn about has occurred due to my complete craving for chocolate, or just junk food in general (mmmm could really go for a bucket of KFC right now). 
Today I bought 4 chocolate blocks, and doughnuts from where I work. 
So this should last me for the next few days. This is what helps me study! As well as music and talking on the phone... you know, the usual.  

It was my birthday a month or so ago, finally turned 18! 
So my Aunty thought she would send me a photo of me when I was two or three and she was in her late teens... She sent it today, as well as a 'happy birthday' message. But this random act of just thinking to send it to me really made my day. 

I found this really cool little fact book, and it has amused me for hours. 
So I think I'll put in a fact every now and then just to keep things interesting. 

"In Iraq you can eat snakes any day of the week except Sunday."

There you go, my first fact for you. 

Ok, my pool is 30 degrees celsius, I don't know what that is in fahrenheit... like plus 35 or something. 

But this is my end credit, saying... Hahahaha, it's going into Summer here! 

Peace x

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