Righty-o then , I guess I better get started.
I was playing with the idea of actually doing this for a few days...
So here I am.
Where do I start, I guess with the ramblings of my simple 18 year old self.
Ha! Anyway. I'm new to this, so bare with me here.
Ok, I'll explain a little bit about me. As you can see in my 'about me' section, I am young and potentially fruitful, not that you really need to know that, I just thought it sounded good. Such a biblical term, like 'with child' etc.
I live in Australia, I have nearly completed my 13 years of education, I'm not looking forward to the pressure and my boyfriend is treating me like my parents, giving me time limits on the phone so I can go study and such.
I guess I'll do a couple of blogs a week if I have time. This really is for me to vent, but if you happen to stumble over my complaints and excited outbursts feel free to comment.
The count down is 5 days of school left. And I cannot be bothered staying at school for the recommended hours, luckily people in my year level can now drive (I'm pathetic, I'm scared of driving for some reason, Ryan has to force me to drive his car), so I managed to get a lift home.
But the day is not through, so I might still have more to add later (if I can do that).
And if anyone happens to read this, I would greatly appreciate some help with putting photos and videos up. I'm a ladite, so this is a great feat for me.
Ok, thats all for now.
I think I'll go on tomorrow, just to distract me from actually studying.
Peace x