Thursday, March 26, 2009


I became a cat today, and blogger started hitting on me after I updated my profile photo.
Also, yesterday I went to the Dentist... which I absolutely HATE! 
The feeling & the sound of the drill just freaks me out. 
Anyway, they couldn't seem to numb me enough so I did feel pain.
The smile I had last night though was fabulously priceless! One half of my face lit up in a wonderful smile, whilst the other half was a nasty grimace. Which made the whole expression look like that two faced guy from Batman.
 So this morning I woke up to having the most awful pain in me left cheek,
because my dentist must have put the needle in my muscle. 



sparklegreen said...

Miaoooouuuu (French Meow)

Awww I love smiles, even half smiles.

Justthat. said...

I cant hear that noise without shaking..they should invest money in making that drill have music play from it!!

Madeline said...

sorry about the dentist visit! your cat picture is real great!