Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My shoes are officially off!

I have just had a beer, so I'm a little tipsy (all the better to put you to sleep my dear).
 This is traditional after a hard six hours or dish-pig labour! 
My new job over looking the beach isn't really all that awesome. I work in the back as well as the front. 
 Working for my money is hard, and painful. It's 10 minutes to 1 am, and thats early to be finished with work! 

Ok, enough complaining...
I LOVE KAREN!!!!!!!!!!
She gave me 2 awesome rings made out of guitar strings, 2 little stencil booklets, a hand drawn flower, and a mini dream catcher. CUTE!
Oh, and a beautifully written note, K you have amazing hand writing!

Now, I would put a picture up, but I'm currently not at home at the moment.

But the dream catcher is hanging from my roof! 

Oh, I also put more tre branches up, and a vinyl bird-cage print.

Ok, I need to sleep, writing a blog at 1 am is killing me.

You kiddies have a splendific day.



PPP said...

Iiieehhh! I was wondering where you were! :D So glad to finally hear/read something from you again!

Hope you still have time for fun with all that working...

sparklegreen said...

Thanks for the lovely note on my blog.
And Karen Loves You!!!
I got your package and I listen to the CD at school (on my mp3). I love your taste in music. The scarf is fabulously soft now that it's gone through the washer/dryer.

We'll have to take pics of our rooms and blog them. This will inspire me to make my room pretty again as I re-member the pieces of my life back together.

Did I ever tell you how much I love your blog?! It's very real to me, but at the same time laced with dreams.

Monikamarieee said...

YOU'RE AMAZING!!! I just received the most fantastic package from you in the mail!!!


Don't give up on me!!! I now have your address (I'm not sure how I overlooked it before) But this little package I've put together has been waiting on that last detail.

It'll be very very late, but it's coming to you!!!