Sunday, November 9, 2008

I want to get 3 things done before I'm 20.

I want to get the following done, before I turn the ripe old age of 20...
But before you read, these items on the list are my personal choice. I just wanted to share with you, a list of my own. 

1. Tattoo, of a little camel on my big toe, or a tooth from the inspiration of the artist Beci Orpin.
2. A scarification on my leg. (Optional)
3. A piercing:




sparklegreen said...

Hey E!
I've tagged you in the 6 quirks tag game. See my blog for details.

sparklegreen said...

By the way, 20 is not old! I was 20 last year and it was still plenty young! You still get to be foolish. Wait til you're 21 ;)

.e said...

Haha, I know 20 isn't old.
I'm looking forward to it actually.
Good to know I still have the ability to play around at that age :)

Thanks K.


Justthat. said...

tag your it =]

.e said...

Ahh, I don't know what to do with this tagging business!