Thursday, November 13, 2008



Hello, one and all, I have been released from the evil clutches of my schooling institution! 
And I was so tempted to do the dropping of the pen 'Looking for Alabrandie' style (it's one of Australia's better movies, if you have never heard of it before).

I also burnt my finger whilst making 2 minutes noodles. 

So, not I'm going to get wasted tonight, and be a normal 18 year old for once.

Question of the day:
"What colour is your tooth brush, and why did you get one that colour?"

May peace be with you. 


evanfrederickmacquarrie said...

woo! so awesome to be done!

my toothbrush is blue.
i picked it because I have developed brand loyalty to a specific kind of toothbrush (it just feels better!) and it was the only one left that wasn't a yucky green-ish colour.
so I went with the blue.

PPP said...

I have 3 different toothbrushes! :D
A green one, purple and blue. which are also my favorite colours.

The better question is: why do you have 3 toothbrushes? My mom bought a different kind of toothpaste and I don't like to mix and match flavours...

colinM. said...

my toothbrush is orange. and my other one is.. green? but i dun like the green one... it needs new batteries which i do not have to supply.
i picked the orange one, because it is the colour for the house i live in at uni - Burke House. although that's not the only reason, OBV. just, orange is an awesome colour, and i'm going on wayy too much and into too much depth.

have a great day and enjoy your freedom. :)

word verification:

HAH! ... ?

beckyannnnnnn said...

My tootbrush, is blue and pink. I also have an orange one. And another blue and pink one. I hoard toothbrushes actually.

As to why those specific colours, well I've no idea. I don't even like pink. But they do the job!

Aussie said...

my tooth brush is pink because my dentist is sexist.


sparklegreen said...

So what was the first thing you did with your new found freedom?

My toothbrush is purple and I like purple, hence the purple toothbrush.

McLovin said...

no idea